Baby Gym (Co-organized Course)

Baby Gym (Co-organized Course)

For 1-3 year-old babies Our Baby Gym curriculum is especially designated  for young children from 14-month to 30-month (1-year-old to 2.5-year-old) by professional gymnastics coaches.

This is an interesting and exciting programme for young children to undertake trainings on muscle power, body cooperation and flexibility. Moreover, we would provide music and lots of props in order to help children learn in a better way.


Locations for Baby Gym: Ma On Shan City Centre, Tai Wai, Kwai ChungChai Wan

You can make now make an appointment for trial classes by filling the online form below with a discount for both trial class and registration for our courses. If you are interested in our course, please click here for trial registration., our staff will contact you within 3 working days to introduce our courses and provide related information for you. (Discount for trial class and registration are exclusively for Kwun Tong (Main campus) and Tin Hau campus only.)