

For children aged 5 or above

Level 1-12 Performance Award


Jazz dancing was brought from Africans to America, a dance style done to jazz music. Since the 1920s, Jazz is popular on Broadway Musicals and among the public for its lively and energetic character. Jazz dancing has now developed into several styles and often danced with other dance forms to create infinite possibilities. With the foundation of Jazz Moves syllabus of Australian Teachers of Dancing (ATOD), students are taught the jazz dancing style, skills, rhythm and encouraged to dance creatively. Students can enroll leveled Jazz Moves Examinations set by ATOD annually or participate in public performances.

Watch this amazing Jazz performance of our student at a previous competition!

Locations for Jazz: Kwun Tong (Main Campus), Tin Hau Campus, Ma On Shan   


You can now make an appointment for trial classes by filling the online form below with a discount for both trial class and registration for our courses. If you are interested in our course, please click here for trial registration. our staff will contact you within 3 working days to introduce our courses and provide related information for you. (Discount for trial class and registration are exclusively for Kwun Tong Main campus and Tin Hau campus only.)

For Application or Enquiries

email: enquiry@aschloe.com

Telephone: 3689 9673(KwunTong) / (852) 3689 5269(TinHau)

Whatsapp: (852) 9685 9105